Study in USA for Students - All you need to know!

Go west young man! has been the clarion call for much ambitious youth who are desirous of bettering their life for centuries past. This call seems to direct aspiring young men and women mostly towards the United States of America. Whether it is the pioneers, railroad builders, gold hunters of yesteryears, or the students of today, the United States has always remained a popular hotspot, which in itself is not surprising as the USA offers some of the best advantages for young students.

Most of the top-ranked universities in the world are situated in the United States, which is not a coincidence, as the United States invests heavily in research infrastructure as well as the quality of academics. The United States also has the distinction of being home to the most number of universities.

There is a huge demand for students who graduate from US universities, both in and out of the USA. For students who plan to stay in the country, a study in the USA offers them the opportunity to find work through the OPT or CPT program, and continue Living in the United States on a Work Visa once they find a more permanent job. Moreover, the USA has some of the top companies listed on the Fortune 500. Is it a wonder that the USA is known as the land of opportunities?!

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Pursuing Education in the USA

Students, who study in the USA, are least likely to be homesick as the United States is blessed with a diverse population that comes from various geographical locations as well as ethnic backgrounds. This makes it easy to adjust and settle down, and also perform better in their careers later on The education system in the United States is extremely flexible. Students can choose from a vast variety of subjects, right from high school to cater to their unique tastes and needs. Moreover, there are endless combinations of subjects that they can choose to graduate.

Icons of Inspiration: Studying in the USA and Soaring to Success

If you are looking for inspiration to study in the USA, then do we need to look beyond our very own Indira Nooyi, Sundar Pichai, Satya Nadella, or Parag Agarwal? All of whom have used the opportunity to study in the USA, to done their skills and boost their careers to reach the very top of their professions.

Indira Nooyi

Indira Nooyi polished off her distinguished academic history with a Master’s degree from the Yale School of Management and went on to become the CEO of PepsiCo.

Sundar Pichai

Sundar Pichai too enhanced his Indian education with an MS from Stanford University and an MBA from Wharton School and rose to the position of CEO of Google.

Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella completed his MS from the University of Wisconsin and his MBA from Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago.He is a former CEO of Microsoft.

Parag Agarwal

Parag Agarwal, IIT alumni who moved to the USA for his MS and Ph.D. in Computer science. He is a 37-year-old AI expert. Explore the Global Opportunities for your career by studying abroad.